What is Quarterly result?
Quarterly result is an announcement made by the company after every 4 months about the company’s overall performance to shareholder.
Quarterly result is most importance aspect of fundamental analysis. It has been mandatory for all the companies listed on stock exchange to make the public announcement of their company's quarterly results so that the company shareholder comes to know how the company is performing. At the time of declaration of quarterly result the company gives its overall performance of past quarter and at the same times gives future guidance by which the shareholder can clearly get a company’s overview how the present performance of company has been and can predict future performance from the company’s guidance.
While announcing the quarterly result the company has to provide all important information to shareholder such as quarter-on-quarter overall profit, net profit, expenditure, quarterly sales, annual sales, information about clients, % of market holding, expansions, organic growth of company, inorganic growth of company and many other things which gives a clear picture about companies performance.
Long term investor usually waits for quarterly result of company and for future guidance and then decides to make any stock investment in that company or not.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Quarterly result
at 12:37 AM
Labels: fundamental analysis, quaterly result
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